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🇺🇸USA Cup Plate Cross ✝️

I am so loving this new design. These pressed lead crystal plates at such a Sparkly new dimension to my cross designs.

A fresh new design using vintage cup plates! Each cup plate is hand pressed fine lead crystal depicting a USA subject .

Includes :

Golden Gate Bridge- 50th anniversary - light amber

American eagle - white/clear

Statue of Liberty , centennial – red

Niagra Falls - light blue

Brooklyn bridge 1983 Centennial - light amber

Cape cod, Canal - light amber

The overall dimensions of this cross yes 16 1/2 x 12“ hung on a 5 inch chain. It is amazing it in the sunlight. I hung it in my kitchen window and it just was so beautiful and peaceful and unique and different.

#cupplate #cupplateart #sandwichglass #sandwichglassart #goldengatebridge #statueofliberty #americaeagle #niagrafalls #brooklynbridge #capecodcanal

Vintage CROSS- USA cup plate


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